The Whirlpool HybridCare Dryer


As you work through your busy day, isn’t it nice to know your Whirlpool HybridCare Dryer is making one aspect of your life so much easier? With 7.3 cubic feet, you can dry extremely large loads, like bedding, in a flash. Whirlpool’s engineered quad baffles are strategically placed to ensure large loads tumble evenly, while preventing small loads from getting trapped in the baffle. This eliminates your need to re-arrange your load periodically through the cycle.

But your Whirlpool dryer does more than simply keep your loads balanced as they tumble, with advanced moisture sensors, your dryer uses smart technology that reduces energy usage and dries your clothes to perfection. The HybridCare electric dryer provides authentic vent-less heat pump technology that allows installation virtually anywhere. With energy options such as Eco, Speed, and Balanced, you control how you wish your load to dry. The Gentle Care option provides low temps with a large volume of air to ensure your delicate clothing is handled gently. Finally, the tap touch controls remember settings, allowing you to start an assortment of loads with the touch of a button.Visit us today to find more about the Whirlpool HybridCare or any of our other Whirlpool laundry appliances!

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